Wednesday, 4 November 2009


When we woke up in the morning we didn’t expect how wonderful day is going to happen.
Our journey was leading to HALFETI town.
We left the hotel at 9 o’clock and the journey to HALFETI was taking two hours. During the journey we could see the surrounding. We were surprised by the soil that was dried with big stones, pistachios and olives trees. When we were travelling we stopped at the place called BIRECIK for a very short time to see a kind of bird called a bald ibis. Typical feature for them is that they’re bald and they live only six months in cages, next six months they spend in the nature. They’re similar to pigeons in that they have a homing instinct and there are only 103 birds in Turkey.
After the two hours journey we got to HALFETI town. It’s a town near Euphrates river. It’s very old and on the other side of Euphrates, there is RUMKALE, a castle which is near to HALFETI.
We were on the cruise on the lake under which there was an old town. Seven years ago this town was flooded and all the people had to move to their new houses.
Our next stop was in SANLIURFA. This town is 250 km from Gaziantep. We had lunch there and after that we were walking up the castle and then stayed there to see an incredibly beautiful view of this town. Very nice experience for us was to see the mosque and Muslims believers praying in their church. It was built on a place where the prophet Abraham was born. The next interesting thing was the lake full of fish. People believe that they’re holy and if they eat them they may die. After the day full of experiences we’re looking forward for another day because we never know what is going to bring us.