Monday 7 September 2009

September in Oulunsalo

Our new tree is Mustakuusi, 'Picea mariana'. We planted it the 3rd of September, just one month before our trip to Turkey. The tree itself was about 120cm tall and has beautiful small cones. Our janitor had dug the hole ready when the pupils and some teachers and grandparents arrived to the ceremony. We had new soil and fresh water for the roots. The children sang two songs about trees, one of a finch that makes a nest in a birch and one of a squirrel that has its soft home in a fir. We are happy with our new ever-green tree. The children have looked after it well and have placed stones around the root area.

It is September 2009 and our first Comenius tree, Pylväshaapa, Populus tremula Erecta, is still alive and growing. The pupils have taken good care of it, no branches broken. At the moment it is green but we are waiting for the leaves to turn to autumnly colours, more or less reddish.