The highest accolade this month goes to the Wild Cherry (perhaps shared equally with the Bluebell).
At ground level the plants are making best use of the light before the leaves close the canopy. The Snowdrops are almost over and all that remains are the long slender leaves lying flat on the ground.
Daffodils have begun to fade out too but, here and there, their yellow heads can still be seen.
Dog's Mercury is now rampant and the 'Stinging' Nettle is beginning to take hold on the woodland edges.
Two rather special plants, members of the Lily family, are the Solomon's Seal and the Martagon Lily.
Adding colour to the edge of a path is the first Wood Violet of the season ........
A plant to watch over the coming months is the Wild Arum. This plant has several other English names: Cuckoo Pint and Lords and Ladies to name but two.